Step 2:
Affiliate secure setting:
Click on the following URL
Go to FastSpring payee sign up page, to create an account.During the sign up process, you will be asked
for the name of company : Type in: Ethiopian Font Foundry
and the email of the person who asked you to sign up. Type in:
You be given a SpringBoard login so that you can check on account balances and accounting reports, and so that
you can tell FastSpring, in a secure setting, how you want to be paid.
የሚከተለው link ወደ FastSpring የሚወስድ ነው። በነገራችን ላይ FastSpring እነ Adobe የሚገለገሉበት ፤
ብዙ ሽልማቶችን ያገኘ ፤ የተጨበጨበለት አንጋፋና ግንባር ቀደም የe-commerce አገልገሎት ሰጪ ድርጅት ነው።
ከ fastSpring ጋር ፦ የሚስጥርና የግል አካውንት ይከፍታሉ ፤ እንዴት እንደሚከፈለዎ ይወስናሉ ወዘተይህንን
ለማድረግ የሚከተለው link ቀጭ ያድርጉ